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* results  search (Subject headings (XSP)) abrüstung
 restrict (Basic classification (XBKL)) 50.14
Publication statement: 
Cham : Springer, [2022]
xvii, 226 Seiten : Diagramme, Illustrationen ; 24 cm
Type of content: 
978-3-031-11042-9 hbk.
Weitere Ausgaben: 978-3-031-11043-6 (Fernzugriff)
Introduction into Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning / Melanie Reuter-Oppermann, Peter Buxmann
The Military Rationale for AI / Frank Sauer
Military AI Applications: A Cross-Country Comparison of Emerging Capabilities / Sophie-Charlotte Fischer
Artificial Intelligence as an Arms Control Tool: Opportunities and Challenges / Niklas Schörnig
Verifying the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons in a Digitalized World / Alexander Kelle, Jonathan E. Forman
AI and Biological Weapons / Filippa Lentzos
Doomsday Machines? Nukes, Nuclear Verification and Artificial Intelligence / Jana Baldus
AI, WMD and Arms Control: The Case of Nuclear Testing / Anna Heise
Artificial Intelligence in Conventional Arms Control and Military Confidence-Building / Benjamin Schaller
Cyber Weapons and Artificial Intelligence: Impact, Influence and the Challenges for Arms Control / Thomas Reinhold, Christian Reuter
Drones and Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems / Anja Dahlmann
No, Not That Verification: Challenges Posed by Testing, Evaluation, Validation and Verification of Artificial Intelligence in Weapon Systems / Maaike Verbruggen
Applying Export Controls to AI: Current Coverage and Potential Future Controls / Kolja Brockmann
Arms Control for Artificial Intelligence / Thomas Reinhold
DOI in prints: 
Subject heading: 
Further documents: 
Dewey Decimal Classification: 355.8209
Looking at a variety of armament sectors, the book examines how Artificial Intelligence (AI) impacts the fields of armament and arms control, how existing arms control measures will be affected by AI, and what new approaches based on AI have been or are currently developed. The significant increase in computing power, the increasing reliance on software, and the advent of (narrow) AI and deep-learning algorithms all have the potential to lead to disruptive changes for military operations and warfare, rendering many classical arms control instruments less effective, or even useless. On the other hand, AI might lead to completely new arms control approaches, raising the effectiveness and reliability of new verification measures. To provide a common understanding, the book starts by presenting a general introduction to the state of the art in artificial intelligence and arms control, and how the two topics are interrelated. The second part of the book looks at examples from various fields of weapon technology, including weapons of mass destruction (WMD), conventional armament, and emerging technologies. The final section offers a cross-cutting perspective based on the examples presented in the second part. This volume will appeal to students and scholars of international relations, as well as policy-makers and practitioners interested in a better understanding of peace and security studies in general, and armament and arms control in particular with a strong focus on AI.
Shelf mark: 
10 A 155433
Potsdamer Straße
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