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* results  search (Subject headings (XSWW)) PRIVATE SECTOR PARTICIPATION
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[Elektronische Ressource]
Corporate body: 
Publication statement: 
DC : Washington, 2014
Handle: 10986/17150
Subject heading: 
*Access to electricity ; availability ; balance ; boiler ; calculation ; capacity payments ; capital costs ; capital investments ; cash flow ; Cement ; commercial energy ; CONSUMPTION OF ELECTRICITY ; cost of electricity production ; cost of service ; cost recovery ; cycle gas ; cycle power ; cycle power plants ; demand for electricity ; Diesel ; discount rate ; distribution losses ; distribution network ; economic growth ; efficient energy ; elasticity of demand ; electric power ; Electricity ; Electricity Company ; electricity Consumption ; electricity demand ; electricity generation ; electricity market ; electricity price ; ELECTRICITY PRICES ; ELECTRICITY SECTOR ; ELECTRICITY SUPPLY ; electricity tariffs ; emissions ; end-use ; end-users ; energy audits ; energy consumption ; Energy Conversion ; energy demand ; Energy Efficiency ; ENERGY EFFICIENCY MEASURES ; Energy intensity ; Energy intensive ; energy usage ; financial constraints ; Foreign Investment ; fuel ; fuel efficiency ; fuel oil ; fuel price ; fuel prices ; fuel supply ; fuel switching ; fuels ; gas consumption ; gas shortages ; gas supply ; Gas Turbine ; gas turbine technology ; gas turbines ; generating units ; generation ; generation assets ; generation capacity ; generation costs ; government policy ; Gross Domestic Product ; growth in demand ; heat ; heat rate ; holding company ; hydro-power ; hydropower ; income ; investment requirements ; LNG ; load demand ; load factor ; marginal cost of electricity ; market rules ; market shares ; Middle East ; national grid ; NATURAL GAS ; natural gas consumption ; natural gas infrastructure ; natural gas price ; natural gas prices ; natural gas supply ; new plants ; North Africa ; peak demand ; peak load ; pilot projects ; Power ; power consumption ; power generation ; power production ; Power Sector ; power supply ; power system ; price competition ; price increases ; price reductions ; private sector participation ; public sector ; Regional Electricity ; Renewable Energy ; renewable energy development ; RENEWABLE ENERGY POTENTIAL ; renewable resources ; renewable sources ; retail electricity ; retail prices ; retail tariffs ; single buyer model ; Small Power Producers ; steam cycle ; Steam Plant ; Steam Turbine ; tariff reform ; television broadcasting ; thermal power ; thermal power generation ; thermal power plants ; transmission assets ; transmission infrastructure ; transmission losses ; voltage ; Wind ; Wind Capacity ; World Energy
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