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1501 - 1955











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* Ihre Aktion  Suchen (Schlagwort (XSWW)) 5550
Bücher 1.  Freikorps und Faschismus : Lexikon der Vernichtungskrieger
Gietinger, Klaus *1955-*. - 1. Auflage. - Stuttgart : Schmetterling Verlag, 2022
Bücher 2.  Drevnij Nižnij Novgorod i Velikoe knjažestvo Suzdalʹsko-Nižegorodskoe, Древний Нижний Новгород и Великое княжество Суздальско-Нижегородское
Iljušin, Boris Anatolʹevič *ca. 20./21. Jh.*. - Nižnij Novgorod : NNGU im. N.I. Lobačevskogo, 2021
Bücher 3.  Les grandes figures de la droite
Buisson, Jean-Christophe *1968-*. - [Paris] : Le Figaro Magazine/Perrin, [2020]
Bücher 4.  Citizens of beauty : drawing democratic dreams in Republican China
Edwards, Louise *1962-*. - Seattle : University of Washington Press, [2020]Zusammenfassung
Bücher 5.  Psychoanalysis - the promised land? : the history of psychoanalysis in Poland from 1900-1989
Dybel, Paweł *1951-*. - Berlin : Peter Lang, [2020]-
Bücher 6.  US hegemony and the Americas : power and economic statecraft in international relations
Santa Cruz, Arturo. - New York : Routledge, 2020Zusammenfassung
E-Books/Online Ressourcen 7.  Disability, literature, genre : representation and affect in contemporary fiction
Cheyne, Ria. - Liverpool : Liverpool University Press, [2019]Zusammenfassung
Bücher 8.  Nic malého neuzříš : antologie sloupků z Lidových novin 1926-39
Novák, Arne *1880-1939*. - 1. vydání. - Praha : Nakladatelství ARSCI, 2019
Bücher 9.  Disability, literature, genre : representation and affect in contemporary fiction
Cheyne, Ria. - Liverpool : Liverpool University Press, [2019]
Bücher 10.  Four fools in the age of reason : laughter, cruelty, and power in early modern Germany
Outram, Dorinda *1949-*. - Charlottesville : University of Virginia Press, 2019
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Wort   Typ   Anzahl
5550 Schlagwort (XSWW) 18
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