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* results  search (Subject headings (XSP)) achados
 restrict (Basic classification (XBKL)) 11.17
Books 1.  Victoria : der römische Sieg und seine göttlichen Garanten
Brosend, Annette. - Aalen : Limesmuseum Aalen, Zweigmuseum des Archäologischen Landesmuseums Baden-Württemberg, [2023]
Books 2.  Ephesos as a religious center under the principate
Black, Allen. - Tübingen : Mohr Siebeck, [2022]
Books 3.  La mitologia figurata degli Etruschi : nuove ricerche : Giornata in onore di Giovannangelo Camporeale : Massa Marittima, 21 settembre 2019, Museo civico archeologico "Giovannangelo Camporeale"
Bruni, Stefano *1960-*. - Pisa : Edizioni ETS, [2020]
Books 4.  Religion in Vindonissa : Kultorte und Kulte im und um das Legionslager
Lawrence, Andrew *ca. 20./21. Jh.*. - Brugg : Kantonsarchäologie Aargau, [2018]
Books 5.  Dea Senuna: treasure, cult and ritual at Ashwell, Hertfordshire
Jackson, Ralph *19XX-*. - London : The British Museum, [2018]Abstract
Books 6.  Sacra privata nell'Italia centrale : archeologia, fonti letterarie e documenti epigrafici
Bassani, Maddalena. - Padova : Padova UP, [2017]
Books 7.  Romanising oriental gods? : religious transformations in the Balkan provinces in the Roman period : new finds and novel perspectives : proceedings of the international symposium Skopje, 18-21 September 2013
Bitrakova Grozdanova, Vera *1939-*. - Skopje : Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, 2015
Books 8.  Confloenta, la ciudad romana de Duratón : la historia, la ciudad, el territorio, los cultos
Martínez Caballero, Santiago *20./21. Jh.*. - Segovia : Diputación de Segovia, 2014
Books 9.  Religio Ratisbonensis : der römische Götterhimmel über Regensburg
Eichinger, Wolfgang. - Regensburg : Historisches Museum, 2011
Books 10.  I culti dell'Esquilino
Marroni, Elisa *1978-*. - Roma : Bretschneider, 2010
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Word   Type   Count
11.17 Basic classification (XBKL) 782
achados Subject headings (XSP) ≈8857
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