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* results  search 05.36 (Fernsehen;Kommunikationswissenschaft)
Books 1.  Seeing : a memoir of truth and courage from China's most influential television journalist
Chai, Jing *1976-*. - First edition. - New York : Astra House, [2023]Abstract
Books 2.  Fernsehen in Deutschland : ein politisches Medium im Wandel
Dörner, Andreas *1960-*. - Bonn : Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, 2023Abstract
Books 3.  The state of us : what I've learned about politics, humanity and our world
Snow, Jon *1947-*. - London : Bantam Press, [2023]
Books 4.  The fall : the end of Fox News and the Murdoch dynasty
Wolff, Michael *1953-*. - First edition. - New York : Henry Holt and Company, 2023Abstract
Books 5.  Und täglich grüßt die Tagesschau : vom linearen zum digitalen Nachrichtenformat
Köpke, Wilfried *1962-*. - Köln : Herbert von Halem Verlag, [2023]Abstract
Books 6.  Das Magazin zur Ausstellung Sesamstrasse - 50 Jahre Wer, Wie, Was!
Beyerle, Tulga *1964-*. - Hamburg : MK & G, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, [2023]Abstract
Books 7.  Queer TV China : televisual and fannish imaginaries of gender, sexuality, and chineseness
Zhao, Jing. - Hong Kong : HKU Press, [2023]Abstract
Books 8.  The music for "Victory at sea" : Richard Rodgers, Robert Russell Bennett, and the making of a TV masterpiece
Ferencz, George Joseph *1953-*. - Rochester, NY, USA : University of Rochester Press, 2023Abstract
Books 9.  Writing Australian history on screen : television and film period dramas "Down Under"
Parnell, Jo *1940-*. - Lanham : Lexington Books, [2023]Abstract
Online resources (without periodicals) 10.  The cultural politics of affect and emotion : a case study of Chinese reality TV
Dong, Wei *1991-*. - Bielefeld : transcript, [2022]Abstract
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05.36 Basic classification (XBKL) 2029
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