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* results  search (Subject headings (XSP)) aeronautics
 restrict (Basic classification (XBKL)) 55.59
Books 1.  Beyond States - über die Grenzen von Staatlichkeit
Emmert, Claudia *1965-*. - Friedrichshafen : Zeppelin Museum Friedrichshafen, [2021]
Books 2.  The hidden Hindenburg : the untold story of the tragedy, the Nazi secrets, and the quest to rule the skies
McCarthy, Michael *1962-*. - Guilford, Connecticut : Lyons Press, [2020]Abstract
Books 3.  Die Wasserdrachen : ein Beitrag zur baulichen Entwicklung der Flugmaschine
Hofmann, Joseph. - Bremen : Unikum, 2012
Books 4.  Locomotive to aeromotive : Octave Chanute and the transportation revolution
Short, Simine. - Urbana [u.a.] : Univ. of Illinois Press, c 2011
Books 5.  By airship to the North Pole : an archaeology of human exploration
Capelotti, P. J. *1960-*. - New Brunswick, NJ [u.a.] : Rutgers University Press, 1999
Books 6.  Luftschiffe und Luftschiffahrt
Eichler, Jürgen. - 1. Aufl. - Berlin : Brandenburgisches Verl.-Haus, 1993
Books 7.  Les Montgolfier
Anglade, Jean. - Paris : Perrin, 1990
Books 8.  The Montgolfier brothers and the invention of aviation : 1783 - 1784; with a word on the importance of ballooning for the science of heat and the art of building railroads
Gillispie, Charles Coulston *1918-2015*. - Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1983
Books 9.  Applied Aerodynamics
Bairstow, Leonard *1880-1963*. - (2. ed.). - London [usw.] : Longmans, Green, (1939)
Books 10.  Ins Reich der Lüfte : Einführung in die Luftfahrt
Poeschel, Felix Johannes *1855-1943*. - 4. Aufl., völlig neubearb., 24.-28. Tsd. - Leipzig : Voigtländer, 1936
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Word   Type   Count
aeronautics Subject headings (XSP) 1984
55.59 Basic classification (XBKL) 780
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