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* results  search 74.61 (Geschichte der Raumordnung)
Online resources (without periodicals) 1.  Children of the soil : the power of built form in Madagascar
Rijke-Epstein, Tasha. - Durham : Duke University Press, 2023Abstract
Books 2.  Wien in alten Bildern
Imhof, Michael *1964-*. - Petersberg : Michael Imhof Verlag, [2023]
Online resources (without periodicals) 3.  Modernising post-war France : architecture and urbanism during les trente glorieuses
Bullock, Nicholas *1942-*. - Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge, 2023Abstract
Online resources (without periodicals) 4.  The social city : urban development and housing projects in Berlin and Naples in the post-war era - a comparison: theoretical models, implemented projects, social and political impacts today
Scopacasa, Antonello. - Berlin : Universitätsverlag der Technischen Universität Berlin, 2022Abstract
Books 5.  The social city : urban development and housing projects in Berlin and Naples in the post-war era : a comparison: theoretical models, implemented projects, social and political impacts today
Scopacasa, Antonello. - Berlin : Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin, 2022
Books 6.  Peter Koller (1907-1996) : Stadtplaner in Diktatur und Demokratie : eine Biografie
Glaser, Marcel *1988-*. - Göttingen : Wallstein Verlag, [2022]Abstract
Online resources (without periodicals) 7.  Architecture of normal : the colonization of the American landscape
Kaven, Daniel *1977-*. - Basel : Birkhäuser, [2022]Abstract
Books 8.  Architecture and development : Israeli construction in Sub-Saharan Africa and the settler colonial imagination, 1958-1973
Levin, Ayala *1979-*. - Durham : Duke University Press, 2022Abstract
Online resources (without periodicals) 9.  Public space in the late antique city : volume 1: Streets, processions, fora, agorai, macella, shops : volume 2: Sites, buildings, dates
Lavan, Luke. - Leiden : Brill, [2021]Abstract
Books 10.  Mutations paysagères de l'espace habité au Japon : de la maison au territoire
Fiévé, Nicolas *1959-*. - Paris : Collège de France, Institut des hautes études japonaises, 2020
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