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* results  search (Subject headings (XSP)) animal diseases
 restrict (Basic classification (XBKL)) 46.70
Books 1.  Tropical veterinary diseases : control and prevention in the context of the new world order
House, James A.. - New York, NY : New York Acad. of Sciences, 2000
Books 2.  Vector-borne pathogens: international trade and tropical animal diseases : [proceedings of the third biennial meeting of the Society for Tropical Veterinary Medicine ..., held on May 8 - 12, 1995 in San José, Costa Rica]
Camus, Emmanuel. - New York, NY : New York Acad. of Sciences, 1996
Books 3.  Zum Vorkommen wichtiger Infektionskrankheiten bei Tieren in der ehemaligen CSSR und in Polen während der letzten 20 Jahre
Mitro, Silke. - Berlin : Duncker und Humblot, 1994
1 - 3 of 3
Word   Type   Count
animal diseases Subject headings (XSP) 153
46.70 Basic classification (XBKL) 11
1 - 3 of 3