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* results  related publications Griechenland <Altertum>
Books 11.  Words of illness, words of healing in Graeco-Roman antiquity
Steger, Florian *1974-*. - Heidelberg : Universitätsverlag Winter, [2023]
Books 12.  Il grido di Pan
Nucci, Matteo *1970-*. - Torino : Einaudi, [2023]
Books 13.  L'ultima soglia : origine del concetto di "aldilà" nella Grecia arcaica
Storoni Piazza, Anna Marina. - Milano : Mimesis, [2023]
Books 14.  Myra kai thymiamata : percorsi di ricerca su unguenti profumati e aromi da combustione nella Grecia antica, Μύρα καί ϑυμιάματα : percorsi di ricerca su unguenti profumati e aromi da combustione nella Grecia antica
Vallarino, Giulio. - Roma (Italia) : Edizioni Quasar, [2023]
Books 15.  Paul and philosophy : selected essays
Engberg-Pedersen, Troels *1948-*. - Tübingen : Mohr Siebeck, [2023]
Online resources (without periodicals) 16.  The making of the Doric temple : architecture, religion, and social change in archaic Greece
Zuchtriegel, Gabriel *1981-*. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023Abstract
Online resources (without periodicals) 17.  The making of the Doric temple : architecture, religion, and social change in archaic Greece
Zuchtriegel, Gabriel *1981-*. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023Abstract
Online resources (without periodicals) 18.  Friendship in ancient Greek thought and literature : essays in honour of Chris Carey and Michael J. Edwards
Carey, Christopher *1950-*. - Leiden : Brill, [2023]Abstract
Online resources (without periodicals) 19.  Politeia and Koinōnia : Studies in Ancient Greek History in Honour of Josine Blok
Pirenne-Delforge, Vinciane *1963-*. - Leiden : Brill, [2023]Abstract
Online resources (without periodicals) 20.  Der rechte Gebrauch im Spiegel des falschen
Gnilka, Christian *1936-*. - Basel : Schwabe Verlag, [2023]Abstract
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