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yaaḳov ben ḥayim mosheh abramovits
yah ia
yah ia, reçoul
yddish language
yearly report
yĕhûdâ ărî lêb mig-gûr,
yehuda ari leib,
yehuda arié leib alter von gur,
yĕhûdā arie leiv mig-gûr,
yehuda arie löw,
yehûdā aryē lêb mig-gûr
yĕhûdâ aryē lêb mig-gûr,
yehûdā aryē lêv mig-gûr
yĕhûdā ba r bĕṣalēl lîwaî,
yehûdā ben-beṣalēl
yehuda lajb ben betsalel
yehuda leove ben bezalel
yehuda leyb alter mig-gur, chassidischer rebbe, gelehrter
yehuda livai ben betsal el mi-prag
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