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* results  search (Subject headings (XSP)) a h5n1 influenza
 restrict (Basic classification (XBKL)) 46.52
Online resources (without periodicals) 1.  Avian influenza : a topical issue of increasing concern
Klenk, Hans-Dieter *1938-2021*. - Basel : S. Karger, 2008Abstract
Books 2.  Qualitative Risikobewertung eines Eintrags von Aviärer Influenza in europäische Geflügelbetriebe auf lokaler und überregionaler Ebene
Grabkowsky, Barbara *1979-*. - 1. Aufl. - Vechta : Vechtaer Dr. und Verl., 2010Abstract
Books 3.  Wild bird highly pathogenic avian influenza surveillance : sample collection from healthy, sick and dead birds
Rose, Karrie. - Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2006Abstract
Books 4.  Integrated national operational program for avian and human influenza (OPI) : 2006 - 2010
Vietnam / Bộ Nông nghiệp và Phát triển Nông thôn. - [Hà-nội], 2006
Books 5.  Preparing for highly pathogenic avian influenza
Martin, V.. - Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2006
Books 6.  Informationsveranstaltung "Klassische Geflügelpest" am 12. Dezember 2005 in der Staatskanzlei Wiesbaden
Hessen / Ministerium für Umwelt, Ländlichen Raum und Verbraucherschutz. - Wiesbaden, [2005]
Books 7.  The monster at our door : the global threat of avian flu
Davis, Mike *1946-2022*. - New York [u.a.] : New Press, 2005
1 - 7 of 7
Word   Type   Count
a h5n1 influenza Subject headings (XSP) 40
46.52 Basic classification (XBKL) 780
1 - 7 of 7